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Phosphorus - Sodium - Potassium - Chlorine - Iron : Deficiency, uses, foods, color, symbol


 The total body content of phosphorus is 700 grams. It is present in every cell and in blood. It occurs as both organic and inorganic phosphorus.

Sources : Milk, cheese, egg,cereals and vegetables

Functions : 

  • It is essential for the growth of bones and teeth

  • It is required for the synthesis of nucleic acids, phospholipids and phosphoproteins

  • It forms high energy compounds like ATP

  • It has a buffering action in blood and urine

Deficiency : Rickets and osteomalacia occur in deficiency of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D.

Requirement : 1 to 1.5 grams per day


 Sodium is the principal cation of extracellular fluid. It is present in the body as Nacl and NAHCO3.

Functions :

  • It helps in maintaining acid -base balance

  • It maintains the osmotic pressure of body fluids

  • It preserves the normal irritability of muscles

  • With other irons, it maintains the permeability of cells

Sources : The main source is salt used in cooking

Hypernatremia : It is an increase in plasma sodium concentration. It occurs in -

  • Dehydration as occurs in severe sweating

  • Diabetes insipidus

  • Excessive intravenous administration of saline

  • Administration of steroid hormones

Hypornatremia : It is decrease in plasma sodium level. It occurs in -

  • Diuretic medication

  • Kidney diseases

  • Severe vomiting and diarrhoea

  • Severe burns


 It is the major intracellular cation. It is widely distributed in body tissues and body fluids. A high concentration is present in nerve tissue, cells, muscles and blood.

Functions :

  • It helps in maintaining acid -base balance

  • It influences muscular activity

  • It plays an important role in cardiac function

  • It is essential for conduction of nerve impulses

  • Enzymes like pyruvic kinase require K+ as a co -factor

Hyperkalemia : It is an increase in serum potassium level. It occurs in -

  • Renal failure

  • Sever dehydration

  • Addison’s disease

  • Excess administration of intravenous potassium

 They symptoms of hyperkalemia are bradycardia, depression, mental confusion and muscle weakness.

Hypokalemia : It is a decrease in serum potassium level. It occurs in -

  • Cushing’s syndrome

  • Severe vomiting and diarrhoea

  • Prolonged use of diuretics

  • Familial periodic paralysis

 Symptoms of hypokalemia are tachycardia, muscle weakness, irritability and paralysis.


 It is present in the body as chloride ion. It has wide distribution in the body. Highest concentration is present in CSF.

Functions :

  • Maintains acid -base balance

  • Necessary for HCl secretion in gastric juice

Deficiency : Deficiency of chloride occurs in -

  • Profuse vomiting caused by pyloric obstruction

  • Loss of chlorides leads to hypochloremic alkalosis

  • Diarrhoea and excessive sweating

  • Fibrocystic disease of pancreas


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